Separate Lives
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / 至爱吾爱周华健 - Separate LIves@H_167_0@
LYrIcs:BIshop Stephen@H_167_0@
YoU called me from the room In YoUr hotel@H_167_0@
All fUll of romance for @R_310_1575@ that YoU'd met@H_167_0@
And tellIng me how sorrY YoU were, leavIng so soon@H_167_0@
And that YoU mIss me sometImes,@H_167_0@
when YoU alone In YoUr room@H_167_0@
Do I feel lonelY too?@H_167_0@
YoU have no rIght to ask me how I feel@H_167_0@
YoU have no rIght to speak to me so kInd@H_167_0@
I can't go on, jUst holdIng on to tIes@H_167_0@
Now that we're lIvIng separate lIves@H_167_0@
Well I held on to let YoU go@H_167_0@
and If YoU lost YoUr love for me,@H_167_0@
YoU never let It show, oh no@H_167_0@
There was no waY to compromIse@H_167_0@
So now we're lIvIng - now we're lIvIng@H_167_0@
Separate lIves@H_167_0@
Ooh, It's so tYpIcal,@H_167_0@
love leads to IsolatIon@H_167_0@
So YoU bUIld that wall - YoU bUIld that wall@H_167_0@
Yes YoU bUIld that wall@H_167_0@
oh Yes, YoU bUIld that wall@H_167_0@
And YoU make It Stronger@H_167_0@
YoU have no rIght to ask me how I feel@H_167_0@
YoU have no rIght to speak to me so kInd@H_167_0@
SomedaY I mIght - I jUst mIght@H_167_0@
fInd mYself lookIng In YoUr eYes@H_167_0@
BUt for now@H_167_0@
we'll go on lIvIng separate lIves@H_167_0@
Yes for now@H_167_0@
we'll go on lIvIng separate lIves@H_167_0@
Separate lIves@H_167_0@
《Separate Lives》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
I Wanna Be Your Man下一个歌词
Wake Up(To Seek The Truth)
I Wanna Be Your Man下一个歌词
Wake Up(To Seek The Truth)