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Summer Kisses Winter Tears

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Sad Without You专辑/周华健《Sad WIthoUt YoU》@H_577_0@ 编辑/酷狗@H_577_0@ @H_577_0@ Summer kIsses wInter tears@H_577_0@ That was what she gave to me@H_577_0@ Never thoUght I travel all alone@H_577_0@ The trIp of Memories@H_577_0@ Happy hoUrs lonelY Years@H_577_0@ BUt I gUess I can't complaIn@H_577_0@ For I stIll Recall the Summer sUn@H_577_0@ ThroUgh all the wInter raIn@H_577_0@ The fIre of love@H_577_0@ Can't bUrn from a far@H_577_0@ And nothIng can Light@H_577_0@ The dark of the nIght@H_577_0@ LIke a FallIng star@H_577_0@ Summer kIsses wInter tears@H_577_0@ LIke The Stars theY fade awaY@H_577_0@ LeavIng me to spend mY lonelY nIght@H_577_0@ WIth dreams of YesterdaY

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Jealous Guy
Broken Hearted Me