- Just Then ... Out Of The Woods Came The Hunt...
- "Meanwhile, Peter made a lasso with his ...
- "Peter, in the meantime, stood behind th...
- "No sooner had Peter gone, than a big gr...
- Grandfather Came Out. Poco più andante - An...
- "Suddenly something caught Peter's a...
- Just Then A Duck Came Waddling Round. L'...
- "On a branch of a big tree sat a little ...
- Early One Morning Peter Opened The Gate ... ...
- Let Me Tell You A Story (让我给你讲一个故事)...
Early One Morning Peter Opened The Gate ... ...
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 赵薇 / Peter And The Wolf[00:00:00]此歌曲为没有填词的口白,请您欣赏
《Early One Morning Peter Opened The Gate ... Andantino (口白)》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
"On a branch of a big tree sat a little bird, Peter's " Allegro - Andantino, come prima (口白)下一个歌词
Let Me Tell You A Story (让我给你讲一个故事) (口白)
"On a branch of a big tree sat a little bird, Peter's " Allegro - Andantino, come prima (口白)下一个歌词
Let Me Tell You A Story (让我给你讲一个故事) (口白)
- 中餐厅 (《中餐厅》第二季主题曲)
- Just Then ... Out Of The Woods Came The Hunt...
- "Meanwhile, Peter made a lasso with his ...
- "Peter, in the meantime, stood behind th...
- "No sooner had Peter gone, than a big gr...
- Grandfather Came Out. Poco più andante - An...
- "Suddenly something caught Peter's a...
- Just Then A Duck Came Waddling Round. L'...
- "On a branch of a big tree sat a little ...
- Early One Morning Peter Opened The Gate ... ...
- Let Me Tell You A Story (让我给你讲一个故事)...
- 左耳 (《左耳》电影主题曲)
- 时间停了
- 木兰香
- 觉醒
- Happiness
- 江城子
- 幻与幻想
- 游园会
- 走散
- 老板娘
- 大导演
- 把心照亮
- 大城小恋
- 不怕
- 树叶的崇拜
- 小蜜蜂
- 蝶
- 恰恰爱
- 多爱自己一些