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And Then She Hit Me

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张学友 / Touch of Love7:35 I came to lIfe and threw mY pants on@H_578_0@ and I searched for shoes to fIt the groove to get mY Dance on to@H_578_0@ take a rIde Into town down on maIn street where@H_578_0@ a frIend of mIne was PlayIng lIve down at rbc's@H_578_0@ bUt @R_196_1167@ Is takIng so long@H_578_0@ hoggIng the bathroom and the phone@H_578_0@ then she had the nerve to saY the words that I shoUld clIck and go@H_578_0@ and don't change the mood wIht attItUde and I saId...@H_578_0@ YoU shoUld talk@H_578_0@ rIght then I knew I blew It rIght then I stepped Into It@H_578_0@ I knew that I woUld need a drInk to get throUgh It@H_578_0@ she jUst tUrned aroUd and Smiled...@H_578_0@ and then she hIt me and then she hIt me@H_578_0@ we walked In at half past ten and the place was jacked@H_578_0@ cUt the casUaltIes and made a bee lIne for the bar@H_578_0@ sUrprIsed I made It caUse the leash It Only goes so for@H_578_0@ long Islands In mY sYstem I felt lIke sonnY lIston@H_578_0@ bY the second roUnd I was goIng to town and she was In her coat@H_578_0@ I saId I wIll fInd a rIde tonIght bUt babY YoU can go@H_578_0@ rIght then I knew she blews It I foUnd her drama anUsIng@H_578_0@ she took another drInk and mUst've saId screw It@H_578_0@ and she jUst tUrned aroUnd and Smiled@H_578_0@ I know I drIve her crazY@H_578_0@ I brIng oUt her best and worst@H_578_0@ It's not her faUlt she loves me bUt@H_578_0@ It's all mY faUlt when she gets hUrt@H_578_0@ rIght I knew she lost It@H_578_0@ she drew lIne and I crossed It@H_578_0@ I was drInkIng lIke It's water from faUset@H_578_0@ and I jUst tUrned aroUnd and Smiled....@H_578_0@ and then she hIt me@H_578_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

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I Got It Made
This Time Next Year