Blue Guitar
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张信哲 / SomeWhere In My Broken Heart~blUe gUItar~@H_23_0@
made bY handsomeck@H_23_0@
Play mY solItarY gUItar@H_23_0@
Recall the moments sweet and bItter@H_23_0@
UntIl the emptIness Is fIlled wIth dreams of YoU@H_23_0@
thoUghts that drIft from past to present@H_23_0@
wonder how YoUr love Is fadIng@H_23_0@
are YoU bY anY chance comparIng me wIth hIm@H_23_0@
ooh can I stIll clIng to IllUsIons@H_23_0@
that there'll be a solUtIon@H_23_0@
ooh am I a fool stIll chasIng shadows@H_23_0@
wIthoUt a star to folLow@H_23_0@
bUt after all saId and done@H_23_0@
I can't help wIshIng YoU well@H_23_0@
I stIll belIeve tIme wIll tell@H_23_0@
If he breaks YoUr heart@H_23_0@
If he tUrns awaY@H_23_0@
I'll take Up the part@H_23_0@
I won't ever straY@H_23_0@
so Play blUe gUItar@H_23_0@
Play that sad refraIn@H_23_0@
carrY me so far@H_23_0@
tIll I feel no paIn@H_23_0@
Play on blUe gUItar@H_23_0@
Play that sad refraIn@H_23_0@
carrY me so far@H_23_0@
take me from the paIn@H_23_0@
《Blue Guitar》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
It Was Almost Like A Song下一个歌词
One Day In Your Life
It Was Almost Like A Song下一个歌词
One Day In Your Life