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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张韶涵 / 百变张韶涵2007世界巡回演唱会 台北场Close to a long long joUrneY.......

张韶涵巡迴演唱会 - 台北场
★ nora
张韶涵 - JoUrneY
词/曲:CorrInne MaY
It's a long long joUrneY
TIll I know where I'm sUpposed to be
It's a long long joUrneY
I Don't know If I can belIeve
When shadows Fall and block mY eYes
I am lost and know that I mUst hIde
It's a long long joUrneY
TIll I fInd mY waY home @R_573_2186@
ManY daYs I've spent
Drifting on throUgh emptY shores
WonderIng what's mY pUrpose
WonderIng how to make me strong
I know YoU'll be standIng bY mY sIde
I know I wIll falter I know I wIll crY
It's a long long joUrneY
And I need to be close @R_573_2186@
sometImes It Feels no one Understands
I Don't even know whY I Do the thIngs I Do
When prIde bUIlds me Up tIll I can't see mY soUl
WIll YoU break down these walls and pUll me throUgh
CaUse It's a long long joUrneY
TIll I feel that I am worth the prIce
YoU paId for me on calvarY
Beneath those stormY skIes
When Satan mocks and frIends tUrn to foes
It feel lIke everYthIng Is oUt to make me lose control
Coze It's a long long joUrneY
TIll I fInd mY waY home @R_573_2186@...@R_573_2186@

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