Don't Cry For Me Argentina
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / 靓声靓影All YoU wIll see Is a gIrl YoU once knew
AlthoUgh she's dressed Up to the nInes
At sIXes and Sevens wIth YoU
And as for fortUne and as for fame
I never InvIted them In
ThoUgh It seemed to the world theY were all I desIred
TheY are IllUsIons
TheY are not the solUtIons theY promIsed to be
The answer was here all the tIme
I LOVE YOU and hope YoU love me
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
Have I saId too mUch There's nothIng more
I can thInk of to saY to YoU
BUt all YoU have to do Is look at me to know
That everY word Is trUe
AlthoUgh she's dressed Up to the nInes
At sIXes and Sevens wIth YoU
And as for fortUne and as for fame
I never InvIted them In
ThoUgh It seemed to the world theY were all I desIred
TheY are IllUsIons
TheY are not the solUtIons theY promIsed to be
The answer was here all the tIme
I LOVE YOU and hope YoU love me
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
Have I saId too mUch There's nothIng more
I can thInk of to saY to YoU
BUt all YoU have to do Is look at me to know
That everY word Is trUe
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