A Whole New World
A Whole New World
作曲:Alan Menken
ShInIng, shImmerIng, splendId.
Tell me prIncess, now when dId YoU last
A whole new world
No one to tell Us no
Or where to go
A whole new world
That now I'm In a whole new world wIth YoU
SoarIng, tUmblIng, freewheelIng
ThroUgh an endless dIamond skY
A whole new world
(AladdIn: Don't YoU dare close YoUr eYes)
An hUndred tho@R_571_3952@nd thIngs to see
(AladdIn: Hold YoUr breath - It gets better)
I've come so far
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I can't go back to where I Used to be
A whole new world
There's tIme to spare
Let me share thIs whole new world wIth YoU
A whole new world
A whole new world
No one to tell Us no
Or where to go
A whole new world
(JasmIne: EverY tUrn a sUrprIse)
(JasmIne: EverY moment, red-letter)
There's tIme to spare
AnYwhere,there's tIme to spare
Let me share thIs whole new world wIth YoU
A whole new world
A whole new world
That's where we'll be
A wondroUs place
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