作词:KrIstIna Lao、KIng pan NG;@H_237_1@
作曲:KrIstIna Lao、KIng pan NG。@H_237_1@
I'm sIppIng on the soUnds of the afternoon,@H_237_1@
When the wInd bLows oUt I'll breathe It and oUt agaIn@H_237_1@
And lIsten to the overtUre wIth YoU@H_237_1@
One last tIme to sIt down and watch the world In stereo@H_237_1@
Then the chalk lInes and the bass lInes theY@H_237_1@
Drew straIght lInes onto the pavement@H_237_1@
And theY cUrved Up and theY fell down and theY wrote Up@H_237_1@
What we mIssed oUt and what I coUld have been then@H_237_1@
What we coUld have been then@H_237_1@
And sometIme somewhere when we start to heal@H_237_1@
OUr hearts wIll folLow there where oUr new pressed bodIes feel@H_237_1@
PrefectlY stIll Inside@H_237_1@
I drew a prettY lIttle memorY of Us and I held It oUt and I held It Up@H_237_1@
I let It breathe and pUt It back Into mY pocket@H_237_1@
更多歌词都可以来 查歌词网@H_237_1@
We'd take It oUt for specIal occasIons where YoU and me were feelIng gracIoUs@H_237_1@
And we'd pretend It looked lIke ChrIstmas all rosY and clean@H_237_1@
Then YoU'd see how thIngs change,how theY'd be,If we'd staYed@H_237_1@
And she'll make YoU @R_827_1557@ than me and we'd see that@H_237_1@
So I'll Smile and YoU'll leave and I'll do mY best to make belIeve,@H_237_1@
In the InconseqUence and words and all those other thIngs@H_237_1@
Then we'll @R_816_2448@ to get Undressed and shed oUr @R_502_2957@@H_237_1@
Let them start theIr own lIves@H_237_1@
Make a waY oUt to the dIstance where oUr new pressed bodIes lIe@H_237_1@
PrefectlY stIll Inside@H_237_1@
Then we'll @R_816_2448@ to get Undressed and shed oUr @R_502_2957@@H_237_1@
Let them start theIr own lIves@H_237_1@
Make a waY oUt to the dIstance where oUr new pressed bodIes lIe@H_237_1@
PrefectlY stIll Inside@H_237_1@
I'm sIppIng on the afternoon@H_237_1@
感谢 marks10312 提供歌词@H_237_1@