Take it like a Man
作词:TobY Gad/KellY LevesqUe/StefanI Saraco
作曲:TobY Gad/KellY LevesqUe/StefanI Saraco
bUt I thInk YoU jUst love to complaIn
now that everYthIng's FallIng apart
shoUld've stopped for jUst a mInUte
before YoU pUshed me to the lImIt
now It's too late to wIn back mY heart
I bet YoU wIsh YoU coUld take It all back
YoU never thoUght that I reallY had
power of a woman
shoUld have loved what YoU had as mUch as YoU saId
Instead of @R_123_4187@ to change who I am
YoU never let me be me so I jUst went along
and I am gonna do thIngs mY waY
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
there aIn't no waY I gonna staY
I bet YoU wIsh YoU coUld take It all back
YoU never thoUght that I reallY had
power of a woman
shoUld have loved what YoU had as mUch as YoU saId
Instead of @R_123_4187@ to change who I am
seems YoU have the mIsconceptIon
love's jUst phYsIcal attractIon
never care to know what I'm all aboUt
YoU had everY chance to show me
that YoU meant the thIngs YoU told me
and I wonder If anYthIng was trUe,Yeah~~~
I bet YoU wIsh YoU coUld take It all back
YoU never thoUght that I reallY had
power of a woman
shoUld have loved what YoU had as mUch as YoU saId
Instead of @R_123_4187@ to change who I am
the power of woman
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