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Don't Sail Away

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张惠妹 / STAR 庆功演唱会数位专辑Alone@H_323_0@ On a saIlboat lost at sea@H_323_0@ I dId not recognIze the skIes above me@H_323_0@ MY compass was jUst spInnIng roUnd and roUnd@H_323_0@ It was jUst spInnIng roUnd@H_323_0@ And then wIth a gUst of wInd thIngs changed@H_323_0@ Set off one coUrse that seemed to me qUIte strange@H_323_0@ I was headIng throUgh the aIr straIght for the moon@H_323_0@ StraIght for the moon@H_323_0@ And when I landed@H_323_0@ He took mY hand@H_323_0@ We dInedang we Danced wIth The Stars@H_323_0@ He asked me to staY In thIs dreamland@H_323_0@ BUt the wInd called oUt so I went Instead@H_323_0@ Then he tUrned to me and saId@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY from me@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ We coUld have sUch a lovelY tIme@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY from me@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ YoU coUld staY and jUst be mIne@H_323_0@ I told hIm not thIs tIme@H_323_0@ The wInd carrIed me across deep spaces@H_323_0@ I vIsIted manY tImes and manY places@H_323_0@ I drIved UntIl mY boat came to a stop@H_323_0@ On destInY`s roof top@H_323_0@ Inside@H_323_0@ I Played chess wIth destInY@H_323_0@ I saw a waY to wIn so verY easIlY@H_323_0@ BUt he was takIng far too long to make hIs move@H_323_0@ DestInY woUldn`t move@H_323_0@ So I tUrned mY boat@H_323_0@ Back towards that dreamland@H_323_0@ And I fIlled the saIls wIth mY breath@H_323_0@ When I landed@H_323_0@ He took mY hand@H_323_0@ ThoUgh the wInd called oUt I remaIned Instead@H_323_0@ He stIll tUrned to me and saId@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY from me@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ We coUld have sUch a lovelY tIme@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY from me@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ YoU coUld staY and jUst be mIne@H_323_0@ I lIke to staY for a lIfe tIme@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ I lIke to staY@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ We coUld have sUch a lovelY tIme@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ Don`t saIl awaY@H_323_0@ YoU coUld staY and jUst be mIne

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