I Honestly Love You
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张国荣 / I Am What I AmMaYbe I hang aroUnd here 也许我在此徘徊@H_316_0@
A lIttle more than I shoUld 已经太久了@H_316_0@
We both know I got somewhere else to go 我们都很清楚我还有别的去处@H_316_0@
BUt I got somethIng to tell YoU 但我有话想对你说@H_316_0@
That I never thoUght I woUld 一些从来不敢说的话@H_316_0@
BUt I belIeve YoU reallY oUght to know 但我相信你应该要知道@H_316_0@
I love YoU 我爱你@H_316_0@
I honestlY love YoU 我真心的爱著你@H_316_0@
YoU don't have to answer 你不需回答@H_316_0@
I see It In YoUr eYes 从你眼中,我明白@H_316_0@
MaYbe It was better left UnsaId 也许不说反而更好@H_316_0@
ThIs Is pUre and sImple 这很简单明瞭@H_316_0@
And YoU shoUld realIze 你应该明白@H_316_0@
That It's comIng from mY heart and not mY head 这是发自我的内心,不是一时冲动@H_316_0@
I love YoU 我爱你@H_316_0@
I honestlY love YoU 我真心的爱著你@H_316_0@
I'm not TryIng to make YoU feel Uncomfortable 我不打算让你为难@H_316_0@
I'm not TryIng to make YoU anYthIng at all 我不期待你会有的任何反应@H_316_0@
BUt thIs feelIng doesn't come along everYdaY 但这感觉不是每天都有@H_316_0@
And YoU shoUldn't bLow the chance 你不该放弃这个机会@H_316_0@
When YoU've got the chance to saY 当你有机会可说出来@H_316_0@
I love YoU 我爱你@H_316_0@
I honestlY love YoU 我真心的爱著你@H_316_0@
If we both were born In another place and tIme 如果我们都出现在另一个时间地点@H_316_0@
ThIs moment mIght be endIng In a kIss 也许只要一个吻此时此刻就可以圆满@H_316_0@
BUt there YoU are wIth YoUrs 但你在你的人生里@H_316_0@
And here I am wIth mIne 我在我的@H_316_0@
So I gUess we'll jUst be leavIng It at thIs 我想我们什么都不能改变@H_316_0@
I love YoU 我爱你@H_316_0@
I honestlY love YoU 我真心的爱著你@H_316_0@
I honestlY love YoU 我真心的爱著你
《I Honestly Love You》歌词由歌词大全收集整理