I Honestly Love You
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张国荣 / 热·情演唱会@H_573_1@
编曲: 赵增熹@H_573_1@
MaYbe I hang aroUnd here a lIttle more than I shoUld@H_573_1@
We both know I got some where else to go@H_573_1@
BUt I got somethIng to tell YoU@H_573_1@
That I never thoUght I woUld@H_573_1@
BUt I belIeve YoU reallY oUght to know@H_573_1@
I love YoU@H_573_1@
I honestlY love YoU@H_573_1@
YoU don't have to answer@H_573_1@
I see It In YoUr eYes@H_573_1@
MaYbe It was better left UnsaId@H_573_1@
BUt thIs Is pUre and sImple, and YoU mUst realIse@H_573_1@
That It's comIn' from mY heart and not mY head@H_573_1@
I Love YoU@H_573_1@
I honestlY love YoU@H_573_1@
I'm not TryIn' to make YoU feel Uncomfortable@H_573_1@
I'm not TryIn' to make YoU anYthIng at all@H_573_1@
BUt thIs feelIng doesn't come along everYdaY@H_573_1@
And YoU shoUldn't b@R_416_3853@ the chance@H_573_1@
when YoU've got the chance to saY@H_573_1@
I love YoU@H_573_1@
I love YoU@H_573_1@
I honestlY love YoU@H_573_1@
If we both were born In another place and tIme@H_573_1@
ThIs moment mIght be endIng In a kIss@H_573_1@
BUt there YoU are wIth YoUrs@H_573_1@
And here I am wIth mIne@H_573_1@
So I gUess we'll jUst be leavIn' It at thIs@H_573_1@
I love YoU@H_573_1@
I honestlY love YoU@H_573_1@
I honestlY love YoU
《I Honestly Love You 》歌词由歌词大全收集整理