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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 袁娅维 / Roll(电影《羞羞的铁拳》主题曲)

鼓手:贝贝 (武勇恒)
OP:上海冬曦音乐工作室D3mUsIc stUdIo

IQ and logIc
MaY show YoU what to do

KIsses so sweet
The beaUtIfUl stUff of YoUr soUl
Jack alwaYs welcome
The magIc that wIll Roll
Before theY wanna rock and Roll

YoU'll see Yeah
SLow oh oh from romance we Roll

FLow oh oh throUgh toUghness we Roll

Don't gIve Up what YoU're lookIng for
So fInd a known and fUnnY easY
WaY to go oh

DemandIng Is YoU and YoUr faIth
SUrrender rIght here
And YoU'd feel OK

HeY YoU In case YoU're alone
RewrIte YoUr own rUles
EnLighten YoUr soUl

IQ and logIc
MaY show YoU what to do
KIsses so sweet

The beaUtIfUl stUff of YoUr soUl
Jack alwaYs welcome
The magIc that wIll Roll
Before theY wanna rock and Roll

YoU'll see Yeah
SLow oh oh from romance we Roll

FLow oh oh throUgh toUghness we Roll
Don't gIve Up what YoU're lookIng for
So fInd a known and fUnnY easY
WaY to go oh

DemandIng Is YoU and YoUr faIth
SUrrender rIght here
And YoU'd feel OK
HeY YoU In case YoU're alone
RewrIte YoUr own rUles
EnLighten YoUr soUl
So fInd a known and fUnnY easY
WaY to go oh

DemandIng Is YoU and YoUr faIth
SUrrender rIght here
And YoU'd feel OK

HeY YoU In case YoU're alone
RewrIte YoUr own rUles
EnLighten YoUr soUl


Dear Friend