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Perhaps Love

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 优客李林 / 林:Perhaps love Is lIke the ocean
FUll of conflIct fUll of change
LIke a fIre when It's cold oUtsIde
Or thUnder when It raIns
李:If I shoUld lIve Forever
And all mY dreams e trUe
MY Memories of love wIll be of YoU
林:And some saY love Is holdIng on
And some saY lettIng go
李:And some saY love Is everYthIng
And some saY theY don't know
合:Perhaps love Is lIke the ocean
FUll of conflIct fUll of change
LIke a fIre when It's cold oUtsIde
Or thUnder when It raIns
If I shoUld lIve Forever
And all mY dreams e trUe
MY Memories of love wIll be of YoU
MY Memories of love wIll be of YoU

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