歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 叶丽仪 / FRANCES YIP Discovery 2Is to rIde In the poUch of a red kangaroo
HIppItY hoppItY thUmpItY thUmp
When YoU come wIth Us YoU'll know
HIppItY hoppItY bUmpItY bUmp
That's the waY we go
We jUmp throUgh the bUsh and boUnce Up to the skY
And If YoU're too frIghtened YoU'd better not Try
BUt jUst stand asIde and Yell hUllabaloo
There goes dot In the poUch of a red kangaroo
Dot In the poUch
Dot In the poUch
Dot In the poUch
Of a red
HIppItY hoppItY thUmpItY thUmp
When YoU come wIth Us YoU'll know
HIppItY hoppItY bUmpItY bUmp
That's the waY we go
We jUmp throUgh the bUsh and boUnce Up to the skY
And If YoU're too frIghtened YoU'd better not Try
BUt jUst stand asIde and Yell hUllabaloo
There goes dot In the poUch of a red kangaroo
Dot In the poUch
Dot In the poUch
Dot In the poUch
Of a red
《DOT AND THE KANGGAROO (Australia)》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
POKAREKARE ANA (New Zealand)下一个歌词
WIDURI (Indonesis)
POKAREKARE ANA (New Zealand)下一个歌词
WIDURI (Indonesis)
- 什么是永恒
- 上海滩龙虎斗
- 女黑侠木兰花
- 手掌心
- 纸醉金迷
- 午夜结他
- 从前慢
- 我的心里只有你没有他
- 万般情
- 上海滩
- 庭院深深
- 时间都去哪儿了 (国语|Studio Version)
- 时间都去哪儿了 (粤语|Studio Version)
- 上海滩 (Encore|Live)
- 献出真善美 (Encore|Live) (原曲:Happy Everth...
- 时间都去哪儿了 (粤语|Live)
- Sometimes When We Touch
- Dear Hong Kong
- 爱是不保留
- Blessings
- Tribute Medley: 涟漪 + 好歌献给你 + 沧海一声...
- 笑傲江湖
- 万般情
- 万水千山纵横
- 红颜
- Interlude + 女中豪杰 (Chorus)
- International Medley:阿里郎 Arirang + Dahil...
- 夜来香
- 我的心里没有他
- 不了情 (英文版|Live)