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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 姚斯婷 / LOVE Ⅱ
爱在何方 - 姚斯婷

WrItten bY:张来华/王立

Where Is mY love

The one for me

Somewhere too far notclose enoUgh for me to see

Where Is mY love who coUld YoU be

@R_904_1575@ I knew bUt let slIp throUgh whIle Dreaming of YoU

Oh love oh love come to me

Where Is mY love

GIve me a clUe

GIve me a tIme show me a place I mIght fInd YoU

Where Is mY love

Don't hIde from me I'll be good to YoU I wIll honestlY

Oh love oh love come to me

Where Is mY love the one for me

Somewhere too far not close enoUgh for me to see

Where Is mY love who coUld YoU be

@R_904_1575@ I knew bUt let slIp throUgh whIle Dreaming of YoU

Oh love oh love come to me
Where Is mY love the one for me

Somewhere too far not close enoUgh for me to see

Where Is mY love

And now I see

HopIng somedaY YoU'll brIng the lovelY endIng

Oh love oh love come to me

Oh love oh love come to me

