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Travelling Boy

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 许冠杰 / The Morning AfterTravellIng BoY - 许冠杰@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ Wake Up mY love beneath@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ the mIddY sUn alone once more alone@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ ThIs travellIng boY was Only passIng throng@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ BUt he wIll alwaYs thInk of YoU@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ One nIght of love besIde a strange YoUng Smile@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ As warm as I have known@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ a travellIng boY and Only passIng throUgh@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ BUt one who'll alwaYs thInk of YoU@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ Take mY place oUt on the road agaIn@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ I mUst do what I mUst do@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ Yes I know we were loves bUt a drIfter dIscoves@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ That a perfect love won't alwaYs last Forever@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ I won't saY that I'll be back agaIn@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ CaUse tIme alone wIll tell@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ So no goodbYes for one jUst passIng throUgh@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ BUt one who'll alwaY thInk of YoU@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ Yes I know we were loves bUt a drIfter dIscoves@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ That a perfect love won't alwaYs last Forever@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ I won't saY that I'll be back agaIn@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ CaUse tIme alone wIll tell@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ So no goodbYes for one jUst passIng throUgh@H_@R_957_4325@7_0@ BUt one who'll alwaY thInk of YoU

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If You Would Read My Mind
I Got A Name