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Reason To Believe

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 许冠杰 / Time Of The SeasonIf I lIsten long enoUgh To You
I'd fInd the waY to belIeve that It's all trUe
KnowIng that YoU lIed straIght face WhIle I crIed
StIll I'd look To fInd a @R_571_2052@ to belIeve
@R_807_1575@ lIke YoU makes It hard to lIve
WIthoUt someBody else
@R_807_1575@ lIke YoU make It easY to gIve
Never thInkIng of mYself
If YoU took the tIme to change mY mInd
I fInd a waY To leave the past behInd
KnowIng that YoU lIed straIght face WhIle I crIed
StIll I'd look To fInd a @R_571_2052@ to belIeve
@R_807_1575@ lIke YoU makes It hard to lIve
WIthoUt someBody else
@R_807_1575@ lIke YoU make It easY to gIve
Never thInkIng of mYself
If I lIsten long enoUgh To You
I'd fInd the waY to belIeve that It's all trUe
KnowIng that YoU lIed straIght face WhIle I crIed
StIll I'd look To fInd a @R_571_2052@ to belIeve
StIll I'd look To fInd a @R_571_2052@ to belIeve

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Truly Julie's Blues
Yesterday When I Was Young