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Till The End Of Time

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 辛晓琪 / Winter LightJUst another love song@H_574_0@ On the radIo@H_574_0@ And a tear Falls@H_574_0@ CaUse I'm thInkIng of YoU@H_574_0@ I remember oUr good-bYes@H_574_0@ And lookIng In YoUr eYes@H_574_0@ As YoU help me@H_574_0@ And told me we were throUgh@H_574_0@ JUst another hoUr@H_574_0@ That wIll never end@H_574_0@ And I'm coUntIng@H_574_0@ EverY heartbeat alone@H_574_0@ I'm wIshIng on the moon@H_574_0@ That I was holdIng YoU@H_574_0@ If The Stars above coUld Only brIng@H_574_0@ YoU home@H_574_0@ We Used to walk along the ocean@H_574_0@ Hand In hand@H_574_0@ BUt the water washed oUr footprInts@H_574_0@ From the sand@H_574_0@ JUst lIke YoU left mY lIfe@H_574_0@ WIthoUt a sIngle trace@H_574_0@ BUt I can't erase YoUr love@H_574_0@ BabY I wIll alwaYs be Forever lovIng YoU@H_574_0@ And I love YoU more each daY that@H_574_0@ We're apart@H_574_0@ No matter where YoU are no matter what@H_574_0@ YoU do@H_574_0@ TIll the end of tIme I'll stIll be here for YoU@H_574_0@ I shoUld let thIs love go@H_574_0@ Instead of holdIng on@H_574_0@ To the hope that@H_574_0@ YoU wIll come back to me@H_574_0@ BUt everY tIme I Try@H_574_0@ It ears me Up Inside@H_574_0@ To thInk that we were never meant to be@H_574_0@ We Used to walk along the ocean@H_574_0@ Hand In hand@H_574_0@ BUt the water washed oUr footprInts@H_574_0@ From the sand@H_574_0@ JUst lIke YoU left mY lIfe@H_574_0@ WIthoUt a sIngle trace@H_574_0@ StIll I can't erase YoUr love@H_574_0@ @H_574_0@ BabY I wIll alwaYs be Forever lovIng YoU@H_574_0@ @H_574_0@ And I love YoU more each daY that@H_574_0@ We're apart@H_574_0@ No matter where YoU are no matter what@H_574_0@ YoU do@H_574_0@ TIll end of tIme I'll stIll be here for YoU

《Till The End Of Time》歌词歌词大全收集整理

Love You Now
Another Sad Love Song