This Is Our Paradise
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 希林娜依高 / This Is Our ParadiseWe stIll have Tomorrow
If we jUst save oUr world
We Used to lIve In paradIse
We Used to watch the sUn set and rIse
OUr world was once so fUll of lIfe
Now we can Only hear It crY
I wanna lIve In paradIse
I wanna watch the sUn set and rIse
MY world was once so fUll of lIfe
Don't lIve me here to wonder whY
BeaUtIfUl world so fUll of lIfe
This Is Our Paradise
If we jUst save oUr world
We Used to lIve In paradIse
We Used to watch the sUn set and rIse
OUr world was once so fUll of lIfe
Now we can Only hear It crY
I wanna lIve In paradIse
I wanna watch the sUn set and rIse
MY world was once so fUll of lIfe
Don't lIve me here to wonder whY
BeaUtIfUl world so fUll of lIfe
This Is Our Paradise
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