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We Will Rock You

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 萧亚轩 / Elva 2003 Up2U台北演唱会BUddY YoU're a boY, make a bIg noIse@H_323_0@ PlayIn' In the street gonna be a bIg man some daY@H_323_0@ YoU got mUd on YoUr face, YoU bIg dIsgrace@H_323_0@ KIckIn' YoUr can all over the place, sIngIn'@H_323_0@ We wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ We wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ BUddY YoU're a YoUng man, hard man@H_323_0@ ShoUtIn' In the street gonna take on the world some daY@H_323_0@ YoU got blood on YoUr face, YoU bIg dIsgrace@H_323_0@ WavIn' YoUr banner all over the place@H_323_0@ We wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ SIng It@H_323_0@ We wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ BUddY YoU're an old man, poor man@H_323_0@ PleadIn' wIth YoUr eYes gonna make YoU some peace some daY@H_323_0@ YoU got mUd on YoUr face, bIg dIsgrace@H_323_0@ SomeBody better pUt YoU back InTo Your place@H_323_0@ We wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ SIng It@H_323_0@ We wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ EverYBody, we wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ We wIll, we wIll rock YoU@H_323_0@ AlrIght

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