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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 萧亚轩 / 只要有目标只要有目标@H_57_0@ 陈冠希 萧亚轩@H_57_0@ Elva :@H_57_0@ 明天会比今天好@H_57_0@ 就看我们的目标@H_57_0@ 无论天涯或海角@H_57_0@ 太阳都照得到@H_57_0@ Elva + EddIe:@H_57_0@ 勇敢微笑 勇敢思考@H_57_0@ 有梦的人 够资格骄傲@H_57_0@ 你将会知道 世多好 计划年轻@H_57_0@ 要趁早 要趁早@H_57_0@ 只要有目标@H_57_0@ 计划年轻@H_57_0@ EddIe: rap@H_57_0@ It's the solar project, gUess who got neXt@H_57_0@ It's me & elva, we flY as eva,@H_57_0@ beIn YoUng, havIn fUn, bUt never dUmb@H_57_0@ so get Ya game rIght & get sUm motIvatIon!@H_57_0@ EddIe:@H_57_0@ 给我勇气去想像@H_57_0@ 每天也会被照亮@H_57_0@ 太阳耀我思想@H_57_0@ 坚决寻回志向@H_57_0@ EddIe: rap@H_57_0@ I belIeve that Tomorrow'll be betta than todaY@H_57_0@ belIeve In Yaself, work hard, & get Ya waY@H_57_0@ dUn get caUght Up In the mIX@H_57_0@ got a problem then U fIX@H_57_0@ let Ya troUbles go when that Bass DrUm kIcks@H_57_0@ get a goal Up In Ya mInd & then U'll vIsUalIze@H_57_0@ open Ya eYes & then U'll realIze@H_57_0@ that lIfe Is jUs a game U gotta Play Ya best@H_57_0@ so get on Up cUz U's Up neXt...Ughh@H_57_0@ rUnnIn from Ya problems aIn't sUmthIn U shoUld do@H_57_0@ jUs go Ya own path & In the process staY trU@H_57_0@ problems wIlle & problems wIll go@H_57_0@ take In the eXperIences, let Ya mInd flo@H_57_0@ paInt a pIctUre Up In Ya mInd@H_57_0@ trUst In self & then U'll fInd a place to leave Ya troUble behInd!@H_57_0@ that place U need to leave Ur troUbles behInd!@H_57_0@ posItIve Is the attItUde@H_57_0@ negatIve Is not the mood@H_57_0@ lIsten to mY words, U kno whUt I'm saYIn@H_57_0@ dUn forget cUz Yo I aIn't PlayIn


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