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A Song For You

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 萧敬腾 / A Song For YouA Song For YoU@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ I've been so manY places@H_223_0@ In mY lIfe and tIme@H_223_0@ I've sUng a lot of songs@H_223_0@ I've made some bad rhYme@H_223_0@ I've acted oUt My Love In stages@H_223_0@ WIth ten thoUSAnd people watchIng@H_223_0@ BUt we're alone now@H_223_0@ and I'm sIngIng thIs song for YoU@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ I know YoUr Image of me@H_223_0@ Is what I hope to be@H_223_0@ I've treated YoU UnkIndlY@H_223_0@ bUt darlIng can't YoU see@H_223_0@ There's no one more Important to me@H_223_0@ Daring can't YoU pease see throUgh me@H_223_0@ CaUse we're alone now@H_223_0@ nd I'm sIngIng thIs song To You@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ YoU taUght me precIoUs secrets of@H_223_0@ the trUth wIthholdIng nothIng@H_223_0@ YoU came oUt In front and I was hIdIng@H_223_0@ BUt now I'm so mUch better@H_223_0@ and If mY words don't come Together@H_223_0@ LIsten to the melodY@H_223_0@ caUse My Love Is In there hIdIng@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ I love YoU In place@H_223_0@ where there's no space or tIme@H_223_0@ I love YoU for In mY lIfe@H_223_0@ YoU are a frIend of mIne@H_223_0@ And when mY lIfe Is over@H_223_0@ remember when we were Together@H_223_0@ We were alone@H_223_0@ and I was sIngIng thIs song for YoU@H_223_0@ song for YoU@H_223_0@ SIngIng, sIngIng thIs song for YoU@H_223_0@ SIngIng, sIngIng thIs song for YoU@H_223_0@ SIngIng, sIngIng thIs song for YoU~@H_223_0@ I love YoU In place@H_223_0@ where there's no space or tIme@H_223_0@ I love YoU for In mY lIfe@H_223_0@ YoU are a frIend of mIne@H_223_0@ And when mY lIfe Is over@H_223_0@ remember when we were Together@H_223_0@ We were alone@H_223_0@ and I was sIngIng thIs song To You@H_223_0@ SIngIng thIs song To You@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ SIngIng thIs song To You@H_223_0@ SIngIng thIs song, I was sIngIng thIs song for YoU~

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