(They Long To Be)Close To You
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 萧敬腾 / 萧敬腾同名世界巡回演唱会 香港红磡站whY do bIrds sUddenlY appear@H_223_0@
everY tIme YoU are near?@H_223_0@
jUst lIke me, theY long to be@H_223_0@
close To You.@H_223_0@
whY do stars Fall down from the skY@H_223_0@
everY tIme YoU walk bY?@H_223_0@
jUst lIke me, theY long to be@H_223_0@
close To You.@H_223_0@
on the daY that YoU were born@H_223_0@
the angels got Together@H_223_0@
and decIded to create a dream come trUe@H_223_0@
so theY sprInkled moon dUstIn YoUr haIr@H_223_0@
and starLight In YoUr eYes lIke theY do@H_223_0@
that Is whY all the gUYs In town@H_223_0@
folLow YoU all aroUnd@H_223_0@
jUst lIke me, theY long to be@H_223_0@
close To You.@H_223_0@
on the daY that YoU were born@H_223_0@
the angels got Together@H_223_0@
and decIded to create a dream come trUe@H_223_0@
so theY sprInkled moon dUstIn YoUr haIr@H_223_0@
and starLight In YoUr eYes lIke theY do@H_223_0@
that Is whY all the gUYs In town@H_223_0@
folLow YoU all aroUnd@H_223_0@
jUst lIke me, theY long to be@H_223_0@
close To You.@H_223_0@
jUst lIke me, theY long to be@H_223_0@
close To You.
《(They Long To Be)Close To You 》歌词由歌词大全收集整理