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If I Ain't Got You

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 吴雨霏 / Lady K Live吴雨霏 - If I aIn't got YoU

some people lIve for the fortUne
some people lIve jUst for the fame
some people lIve for the power Yeah
some people lIve jUst to @R_230_3704@ the game
some people thInk that the phYsIcal thIngs
defIne what's wIthIn
I've been there before
bUt that lIfe's a bore
so fUll of the sUperfIcIal

some people want It all
bUt I Don't want nothIng at all
If It aIn't YoU babY
If I aIn't got YoU babY
some people want dIamond rIngs
some jUst want everYthIng
bUt everYthIng means nothIng
If I aIn't got YoU

some people search for a foUntaIn
promIses Forever YoUng
some people need three dozen roses
and that's the Only waY to prove YoU love them
and In a world on a sIlver platter
and wonderIng what It means
no one to share, no one who trUlY cares for me

some people want It all
bUt I Don't want nothIng at all
If It aIn't YoU babY
If I aIn't got YoU babY
some people want dIamond rIngs
some jUst want everYthIng
bUt everYthIng means nothIng
If I aIn't got YoU

some people want It all
bUt I Don't want nothIng at all
If It aIn't YoU babY
If I aIn't got YoU babY
some people want dIamond rIngs
some jUst want everYthIng
bUt everYthIng means nothIng
If I aIn't got YoU

If I aIn't got YoU wIth me babY
nothIng In thIs whole wIde world don't mean a thIng
If I aIn't got YoU wIth me babY


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