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歌词来源专辑:欧美男歌手 / Wiz Khalifa / BRIT Awards 2013
R I P' to the gIrl YoU Used to see
Her daYs are over' babY she's over
I decIded to gIve YoU all of me
BabY come closer' babY come closer
(I' I' I'm readY for Ya)
Yeah I hear YoU talkIng
Don't know who YoU TryIng to flatter
Got mY mInd made Up (I' I' I'm readY for Ya)
I'm In contro' bUt wIth YoU beIng a man'
YoU don't seem to Understand (I' I' I'm readY for Ya)
I' I' I'm readY for Ya
I' I' I'm readY for Ya
So keep thInkIng YoU the man
CaUse It's all part of a plan
I' I' I'm readY for Ya

R I P' to the gIrl YoU Used to see
Her daYs are over


Princess of China
Locked Out of Heaven