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Pretty Boy

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 文儿 / 文儿音乐电台I've Only got YoU Inside mY mInd
YoU know YoU have made me blInd
I lIe awake and praY
that YoU wIll look mY waY

I have all thIs longIng In mY heart
I knew It rIght from the start

Oh mY prettY prettY boY I LOVE YOU
LIke I never ever loved no one before YoU
PrettY prettY boY of mIne
JUst tell me YoU love me too

Oh mY prettY prettY boY I need YoU
Oh mY prettY prettY boY I do

Let me Inside make me staY
RIght besIde YoU

《Pretty Boy》歌词歌词大全收集整理

Super Star
My Heart Will Go On