歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 汪苏泷 / 摇滚唐人街ChInatown
ChInatown a world fUll of dreams
BUt opportUnItY Isn't as easY as It seems
YoU gotta rIse Up to the eXtreme and work lIke bUsY bee
Channel all YoUr energY to fUlfIll YoUr fantasIes
CItY Lights what a sIght crawlIng over the nIght
Shaped lIke brIght fIreflIes and dragons wIth a bIte
ThIs Is ChInatown nothIng here Is black or whIte
FIreworks Ignite thIs Is a cItY that eXcItes
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
各个是高手 又怎样
火力全开吶喊着梦想 向前闯
WorkIng long nIghts bUt I'm actIng brave
I am In charge of the road I pave
It's tIme for me to complete thIs race
FInIsh oUt the daY strong In fIrst place
Here I go agaIn In ChInatown doIng mY daIlY grInd
DaIlY clImb Up to mY apartment staIrs I Don't mInd
I jUst hope Its a sIgn that If I Try I wIll fInd
A place lIke thIs all the tIme
EverYwhere In all mankInd
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
各个是高手 又怎样
火力全开吶喊着梦想 向前闯
If YoU feel lost or torn apart
If YoU need to depart for a fresh start
If YoU need to move to a new cItY
If YoU need to fInd a new commIttee ask
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
各个是高手 又怎样
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
快放手一搏 別傍徨
制作人:王宗贤 / 下川和己
配唱制作人:任寒冰 / 陈嬛
ChInatown a world fUll of dreams
BUt opportUnItY Isn't as easY as It seems
YoU gotta rIse Up to the eXtreme and work lIke bUsY bee
Channel all YoUr energY to fUlfIll YoUr fantasIes
CItY Lights what a sIght crawlIng over the nIght
Shaped lIke brIght fIreflIes and dragons wIth a bIte
ThIs Is ChInatown nothIng here Is black or whIte
FIreworks Ignite thIs Is a cItY that eXcItes
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
各个是高手 又怎样
火力全开吶喊着梦想 向前闯
WorkIng long nIghts bUt I'm actIng brave
I am In charge of the road I pave
It's tIme for me to complete thIs race
FInIsh oUt the daY strong In fIrst place
Here I go agaIn In ChInatown doIng mY daIlY grInd
DaIlY clImb Up to mY apartment staIrs I Don't mInd
I jUst hope Its a sIgn that If I Try I wIll fInd
A place lIke thIs all the tIme
EverYwhere In all mankInd
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
各个是高手 又怎样
火力全开吶喊着梦想 向前闯
If YoU feel lost or torn apart
If YoU need to depart for a fresh start
If YoU need to move to a new cItY
If YoU need to fInd a new commIttee ask
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
各个是高手 又怎样
Welcome to mY world ChInatown
快放手一搏 別傍徨
制作人:王宗贤 / 下川和己
配唱制作人:任寒冰 / 陈嬛
和你在一起 (《奇葩朵朵》电影推广曲)下一个歌词
和你在一起 (《奇葩朵朵》电影推广曲)下一个歌词
- 那个男孩
- 银河·行星版 (QQ音乐“银河计划”推广曲)
- 圣殿骑士 (《王者荣耀》亚瑟英雄主打歌)
- 我们在一起
- 偏偏 (《三生三世枕上书》电视剧片尾曲)
- 朋友
- 蓝色雨
- 原来我们都是爱着的
- 我最亲爱的
- 尚好的青春
- 眼泪
- Better Me
- 致曾来过的你
- 歌唱祖国
- 大冒险家 (《雪人奇缘》电影中国区定制曲)
- 耿 (《最好的我们》电影毕业季主题曲)
- 生来第一 (《QQ飞车》手游S联赛主题曲)
- 日月 (《一场遇见爱情的旅行》“锦鲤夫妇”爱情...
- 午夜圆舞曲 (2019炫舞时代新年主题曲)
- 虚拟恋爱指南 (Future Bass Remix)
- 虚拟恋爱指南 (Future Pop Remix)
- 虚拟恋爱指南 (Future Lead Remix)
- 不负 (《火王之破晓之战》电视剧插曲)
- 时空行者 (《冰封侠:时空行者》电影主题曲)
- 为你写诗 (《为你写诗》电影同名曲)
- 无名之辈 (《无名之辈》电影同名主题曲)
- 烈火赛道 Race To The Fire
- 岛 Lost Island
- 虚拟恋爱指南 The User Guide of Robot
- 我的星球 Blue Planet