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Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 王若琳 / It won't be long tIll happIness steps Up to greet me
RaIndrops keep FallIn' on mY head
BUt that doesn't mean mY eYes wIll soon be tUrnIn' red
CrYIn's not for me
'CaUse I'm never gonna stop the raIn bY complaInIn'
BecaUse I'm free
NothIn's worrYIn' me
It won't be long tIll happIness steps Up to greet me
RaIndrops keep FallIn' on mY head
BUt that doesn't mean mY eYes wIll soon be tUrnIn' red
CrYIn's not for me
'CaUse I'm never gonna stop the raIn bY complaInIn'
BecaUse I'm free
NothIn's worrYIn' me
NothIn's worrYIn' me

《Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head》歌词歌词大全收集整理

You've Got a Friend
The Adventure Comes to an End