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If I Ruled the World

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 王力宏 / 力宏二十 20周年唯一精选If I rUled the world,
EverY daY woUld be the fIrst daY of sprIng,
EverY heart woUld have a new song to sIng,
And we'd sIng of the joY everY mornIng woUld brIng.

If I rUled the world,
EverY man woUld be as free as a bIrd,
EverY voIce woUld be a voIce to be heard,
Take mY word we woUld treasUre each daY that occUrred.

MY world woUld be a beaUtIfUl place,
Where we woUld weave sUch wonderfUl dreams.
MY world woUld wear a @R_621_2756@ on Its face,
LIke the man In the moon has when the moon beams.

If I rUled the world,
EverY man woUld saY the world was hIs frIend,
There'd be happIness that no man coUd end,
No mY frIend, not If I rUled the world.

EverY head woUld be held Up hIgh,
There'd be sUnshIne In everYone's skY,
If the daY ever dawned when I rUled the world

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Love Me Tender
Kiss Goodbye