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The Twelfth Of Never

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 王杰 / 王杰外传-西洋代表作王杰 - The Twelfth Of Never
WrItten:PaUl FrancIs Webster/JerrY LIvIngston

YoU ask me how mUch I need YoU,mUst I eXplaIn
I need YoU, oh mY darlIng,lIke roses need raIn
YoU ask how long I'll love YoU
I'll tell YoU trUe
UntIl the Twelfth of Never,I'll stIll be lovIng YoU
Hold me close
Never let me go
Hold me close
Melt mY heart lIke AprIl snow

I'll love YoU'tIl the blUebells forget to bloom
I'll love YoU'tIl the clover has lost Its perfUme
I'll love YoU'tIl the poets rUn oUt of rhYme
UntIl the Twelfth of Never
And that's a long,long tIme

UntIl the Twelfth of Never
And that's a long, long tIme

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He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother