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Bohemian Rhapsody

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 王菲 / 唱游大世界王菲香港演唱会98-99Is thIs the real lIfe
@H_323_1@Is thIs jUst fantasY
@H_323_1@CaUght In a land@R_658_2257@
@H_323_1@No escape from realItY
@H_323_1@Open YoUr eYes
@H_323_1@Look Up to the skIes and see
@H_323_1@I'm jUst a poor boY,I need no sYmpathY
@H_323_1@BecaUse I'm easY come, easY go,
@H_323_1@A lIttle hIgh, lIttle Low,
@H_323_1@AnYwaY the wInd bLows, doesn't reallY matter to me,
@H_323_1@To me
@H_323_1@Mama, jUst kIlled a man,
@H_323_1@PUt a gUn agaInst hIs head,
@H_323_1@PUlled mY trIgger, now he's dead,
@H_323_1@Mama, lIfe had jUst begUn,
@H_323_1@BUt now I've gone and thrown It all awaY
@H_323_1@Mama oooh,
@H_323_1@DIdn't mean to make YoU crY
@H_323_1@If I'm not back agaIn thIs tIme @R_365_1450@
@H_323_1@CarrY on, carrY on, as If Nothing Really Matters
@H_323_1@Too late, mY tIme has come,
@H_323_1@Sends shIvers down mY spIne
@H_323_1@Body's achIng all the tIme,
@H_323_1@GoodbYe everYBody, I've got to go
@H_323_1@Gotta leave YoU all behInd and face the trUth
@H_323_1@Mama oooh (anY waY the wInd bLows)
@H_323_1@I Don't want to dIe,
@H_323_1@I sometImes wIsh I'd never been born at all
@H_323_1@I see a lIttle sIlhoUetto of a man,
@H_323_1@ScaramoUche, scaramoUche wIll YoU do the Fandango
@H_323_1@ThUnderbolt and LightnIng, verY verY frIghtenIng me
@H_323_1@GalIleo GalIleo
@H_323_1@GalIleo fIgaro, MagnIfIco
@H_323_1@BUt I'm jUst a poor boY and noBody loves me
@H_323_1@He's jUst a poor boY from a poor famIlY
@H_323_1@Spare hIm hIs lIfe from thIs monstrosItY
@H_323_1@EasY come easY go, wIll YoU let me go
@H_323_1@BIsmIllah! No, we wIll not let YoU go, let hIm go
@H_323_1@BIsmIllah! We wIll not let YoU go, let hIm go
@H_323_1@BIsmIllah! We wIll not let YoU go, let me go
@H_323_1@WIll not let YoU go, let me go
@H_323_1@WIll not let YoU go let me go
@H_323_1@No, no, no, no, no, no, no
@H_323_1@Mama mIa, mama mIa, mama mIa let me go
@H_323_1@BeelzebUb has a devIl pUt asIde for me, for me, for me
@H_323_1@So YoU thInk YoU can stone me and spIt In mY eYe
@H_323_1@So YoU thInk YoU can love me and leave me to dIe
@H_323_1@Oh babY, can't do thIs to me babY
@H_323_1@JUst gotta get oUt, jUst gotta get rIght oUt of here
@H_323_1@Nothing Really Matters,
@H_323_1@AnYone can see,
@H_323_1@Nothing Really Matters, Nothing Really Matters to me,
@H_323_1@AnY waY the wInd bLows....

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