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The Train

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / Twins / Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.4歌手:twIns
歌名:the traIn
the wheels of the traIn 9o roUrk
clIcketY clack clIckefY clack
the wheels of the traIn go raUnd
clIcketY clIcketY clack
the engIneer toots hIs horn
tools hIs horn toots hIs horn

the crossIng gates come rIght down
come rIght down come rIght down
the crossIng gates come rIght down
come rIght down
the people on the traIn get bUmped aroUnd
bUmped aroUlnd bUmped aroUnd
the people on the traIn get bUmped aroUnd
bUmped aroUlnd

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Everbody Jump
When I Was A Young Girl