Goodbye To You
Sunny Day
Everbody Jump
The Train
When I Was A Young Girl
To The Circus
Table And Chair
I Had A Little Nut Tree
Our School Will Shine
Froggie Froggie
Ring A Ring Of Roses
How Do You Do?
I Have Got Six Pence
Three Little Kittens
How Much
The More We Get Together
Starry Skies
Fishes,Fishes Where Are You?
When I Was A Young Girl
歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / Twins / Singing In The Twins Wonderland Vol.4歌手:twIns
歌名:when I was a YoUng gIrl
when I wes a YoUng gIrl
a YoUng gIrl a YoUng gIrl
when I wes o YoUng gIrl how Happy was I
and thIs waY and that waY
(repeXlt twIce)
and thIs waY went I
when I was a teacher (had a sweetheart)
(had a hUsband) (had n babY)
歌名:when I was a YoUng gIrl
when I wes a YoUng gIrl
a YoUng gIrl a YoUng gIrl
when I wes o YoUng gIrl how Happy was I
and thIs waY and that waY
(repeXlt twIce)
and thIs waY went I
when I was a teacher (had a sweetheart)
(had a hUsband) (had n babY)
《When I Was A Young Girl》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
The Train下一个歌词
To The Circus
The Train下一个歌词
To The Circus