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For Your Love

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 谭咏麟 / Fantasy《梦想的幻彩》英文版@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ 作词:Linda hennrIck@H_523_0@ 作曲/编曲:入江纯@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ for YoUr love I woUld wrestle a crocodIle@H_523_0@ solve the mYsterY of the nIle@H_523_0@ brave the jUngle, learn to speak In mUmbo jUmbo@H_523_0@ make a sphInX break Into a Smile@H_523_0@ for YoUr love I woUld lIve lIke an eskImo@H_523_0@ In a hoUse of Ice and snow@H_523_0@ dIve for pearls In all the oceans of the world@H_523_0@ I'll keep lookIn' for a waY to let YoU know@H_523_0@ gIrl, Please paY attentIon@H_523_0@ how can I never make YoU see@H_523_0@ how can I show YoU mY affectIon@H_523_0@ If YoU rUn awaY from me, I'd@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ folLow YoU to katmandU or zanzIbar@H_523_0@ nowhere on thIs earth Is too far@H_523_0@ swIm the @R_621_2253@ seas jUst to be where YoU are@H_523_0@ I wIll never rest tIll I fIll mY qUest@H_523_0@ clImb moUnt everest for YoUr love@H_523_0@ I'd do anYthIng for YoUr love@H_523_0@ I'd go anYwhere for YoUr love@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ for YoUr love I woUld bUIld YoU a taj mahal@H_523_0@ bY a lake In shangrI-la@H_523_0@ wear a sarI bag a tIger on safarI@H_523_0@ hang a wIsh on the hIghest star@H_523_0@ for YoUr love I'd go oUt of thIs world for YoU@H_523_0@ rIde a rocket to the moon@H_523_0@ fInd a comet wIth &qUot;I love YoU&qUot; wrItten on It@H_523_0@ paInt a masterpIece or sIng the perfect tUne@H_523_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

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Take My Breath Away