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You Are So Vain

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 邰正宵 / 日久深情YoU're So VaIn@H_621_0@ Artist: CarlY SImon (peak BIllboard posItIon # 1 In 1972-73)@H_621_0@ Words and MUsIc bY CarlY SImon@H_621_0@ made bY wallYY@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ YoU walked Into the partY@H_621_0@ LIke YoU were walkIng onto a Yacht@H_621_0@ YoUr hat strategIcallY dIpped beLow one eYe@H_621_0@ YoUr scarf It was aprIcot@H_621_0@ YoU had one eYe In the mIrror@H_621_0@ As YoU watched YoUrself gavotte@H_621_0@ And all the gIrls dreamed that theY'd be YoUr partner@H_621_0@ TheY'd be YoUr partner@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ And YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ YoU had me several Years ago@H_621_0@ When I was stIll qUIte naIve@H_621_0@ Well, YoU saId that we made sUch a prettY paIr@H_621_0@ And that YoU woUld never leave@H_621_0@ BUt YoU gave awaY the thIngs YoU loved@H_621_0@ And one of them was me@H_621_0@ I had some dreams theY were cLouds In mY coffee@H_621_0@ CLouds In mY coffee@H_621_0@ And YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?@H_621_0@ I had some dreams theY were cLouds In mY coffee@H_621_0@ CLouds In mY coffee@H_621_0@ And YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?@H_621_0@ Well, I hear YoU went Up to Saratoga@H_621_0@ And YoUr horse natUrallY won@H_621_0@ Then YoU flew YoUr Lear jet Up to Nova ScotIa@H_621_0@ To see the total eclIpse of the sUn@H_621_0@ Well, YoU're where YoU shoUld be all the tIme@H_621_0@ And when YoU're not@H_621_0@ YoU're wIth some Underworld spY@H_621_0@ or the wIfe of a close frIend@H_621_0@ WIfe of a close frIend@H_621_0@ And YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ YoU probablY thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ YoU're so vaIn@H_621_0@ I'll bet YoU thInk thIs song Is aboUt YoU@H_621_0@ Don't YoU? Don't YoU?Don't YoU?

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I'll Never Fall In Love Again