歌词找歌名就上歌词大全! 歌词大全

口白: 英文诗3

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 苏打绿 / 夏 / 狂热DIonYsUs had come and gone wIth the red aftergLow. In a long Hot Summer daY, he shoUts hIs name.@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ "We won! We won! the glorY belongs to Us and no one!"@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ DIonYsUs过,留下火的晚霞@H_123_0@ 在长长的天喧嚣名字@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ 胜利了!胜利了!荣耀属于我们!@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ PoeTry Reader: Dan McKInna@H_123_0@ ProdUcer: WIll LIn@H_123_0@ CoordInator In London: OctavIa LandY@H_123_0@ ProdUctIon CoordInator: ClaIre HsIeh@H_123_0@ ChIef EngInner: Tom BaIleY@H_123_0@ RecordIng EngIneers: NIck Cervonaro, Lee Slater@H_123_0@ AssIstant EngIneer: Adam MIller@H_123_0@ RecordIng StUdIos: SmokehoUse, Strongroom, London@H_123_0@ MIXIng EngIneers: Dan Frampton, Tom BaIleY, NIck Cervonaro, WIll LIn@H_123_0@ MIXIng StUdIo: Strongroom StUdIo 3, London@H_123_0@ MasterIng EngIneer: RaY Staff @ AIr StUdIos, London@H_123_0@ OP: WIllIn MUsIc Ltd.@H_123_0@ SP: UnIversal MUsIc Ltd., TaIwan

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