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Fighting For My Life

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 水木年华 / 生命的挑战RUnnIng for the lIne

BUrnIng for the shIne
WaItIng for the tIme

FInghtIng for the lIfe
RUnnIng for the lIne
BUrnIng for the shIne
WaItIng for the tIme
WaItIng for the tIme

For the end, across the dark
I have strenght, across mY heart
Sweat Is down, I'm standIng on
Road Is long, I'm rUnnIng on

FInghtIng for the lIfe
RUnnIng for the lIne
BUrnIng for the shIne

WaItIng for the tIme
FInghtIng for the lIfe
RUnnIng for the lIne
BUrnIng for the shIne
WaItIng for the tIme
WaItIng for the tIme

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