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任意依恋ost Ring My Bell公开

栏目:什么歌@H_623_0@7月1日,任意依恋ostRIng MY Bell完整版mv公开,甜蜜秀智倾情演唱,歌词暖又应景,与故事丝丝入扣,激起强烈想要了解的欲望。

@H_623_0@RIng MY Bell mv试听:


@H_623_0@RIng MY Bell写作背景


@H_623_0@RIng MY Bell歌词

@H_623_0@rIng mY bell,rIng mY bells..


@H_623_0@rIng mY bell,rIng mY bells..


@H_623_0@sometImes YoU love her


@H_623_0@sometImes YoU don't


@H_623_0@sometImes YoU need It then YoU don't and YoU let go..


@H_623_0@sometImes we rUsh It


@H_623_0@sometImes we Fall


@H_623_0@It doesn't matter babY we can take It real sLow..


@H_623_0@coz the waY that we toUch Is somethIng that we can't denY


@H_623_0@and the waY that YoU move oh It makes me feel alIve


@H_623_0@come on


@H_623_0@rIng mY bell,rIng mY bells..


@H_623_0@YoU Try to hIde It


@H_623_0@I know YoU do


@H_623_0@when are YoU readY wanna oUrs meet Up come and get to


@H_623_0@YoU move me closer


@H_623_0@I feel YoU breathe


@H_623_0@It's lIke the rose dIsappears when YoU aroUnd me


@H_623_0@coz the waY that we toUch Is somethIng that we can't denY


@H_623_0@and the waY that YoU move oh It makes me feel alIve


@H_623_0@so come on


@H_623_0@rIng mY bell,rIng mY bells..


@H_623_0@saY YoU want,saY YoU need


@H_623_0@I can do bY YoUr face know the waY It tUrns me on


@H_623_0@I saY YoU want,I saY YoU need


@H_623_0@I wIll do all YoUr thIngs I woUld never do YoU wrong


@H_623_0@coz the waY that we love Is somethIng that we can't fIght


@H_623_0@I jUst can't gettIng close oh YoU make me feel alIve


@H_623_0@so come on


@H_623_0@rIng mY bell,rIng mY bells..


@H_623_0@I saY YoU want I saY YoU need


@H_623_0@(I can tell that waY oh look at me I tell YoU what)


@H_623_0@I saY YoU want I saY YoU need


@H_623_0@(If YoU caUght all the taste for me don't have to waIt jUst get It on)


@H_623_0@get It on


@H_623_0@rIng mY bell,rIng mY bells..

