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@H_723_0@没茅台原曲是:TIme (口白) - MKJ

@H_723_0@TIme (口白) - MKJ

@H_723_0@Money Is not evIl bY Itself

@H_723_0@It's jUst paper wIth perceIved valUe to obtaIn other thIngs we valUe In other waYs

@H_723_0@If not Money what Is evIl YoU maY ask

@H_723_0@EvIl Is the UnqUenchable obsessIve and moral bendIng desIre for more

@H_723_0@EvIl Is the bottomless soUlless and obsessIve

@H_723_0@CompUlsIve pUrsUIt of some pot of gold

@H_723_0@At the end of some raInbow whIch doesn't eXIst

@H_723_0@EvIl Is havIng a prIce tag for YoUr heart

@H_723_0@And soUl In eXchange for fInancIal sUccess at anY cost

@H_723_0@EvIl Is TryIng to bUY happIness agaIn and agaIn

@H_723_0@UntIl all of those fake short lIved mIrages of eMotions are gone

@H_723_0@Make more tIme

@H_723_0@I'm not saYIng YoU can't be fInancIallY sUccessfUl

@H_723_0@I'm saYIng have a greater pUrpose In lIfe well beYond the pUrsUIt of fInancIal sUccess

@H_723_0@YoUr soUl Is screamIng for YoU to answer YoUr trUe callIng

@H_723_0@YoU can change todaY If YoU redefIne what sUccess Is To You

@H_723_0@YoU can transform YoUr damaged relatIonshIps and bUIld new ones

@H_723_0@YoU can forgIve YoUrself and others who've hUrt YoU

@H_723_0@YoU can become a leader bY mentorIng wIth others who YoU aspIre to be lIke

@H_723_0@YoU can re-balance YoUr prIorItIes In lIfe

@H_723_0@YoU can heal YoUr marrIage and recreate a Stronger love than YoU ever thoUght possIble

@H_723_0@YoU can become the best parent possIble at anY age even 86

@H_723_0@BUt don't waIt UntIl then

@H_723_0@YoU wIll alwaYs be able to make more Money

@H_723_0@BUt YoU cannot make more tIme


























