没有想过你可以陪我度过 你安慰我的难过是什么歌
栏目:什么歌@H_457_0@近日听到一首歌曲很是好听,这首歌有一句歌词是没有想过你可以陪我度过 你安慰我的难过,那么这首歌是什么歌呢?下面就让漫漫看你知道吗小编来给大家介绍一下没有想过你可以陪我度过 你安慰我的难过是什么歌吧。@H_457_0@没有想过你可以陪我度过 你安慰我的难过是什么歌?@H_457_0@这首歌是@H_57_5@周兴哲@H_162_6@演唱的@H_57_5@《Me and YoU》@H_162_6@,以下是歌词:@H_457_0@Me and YoU - 周兴哲@H_457_0@词:ErIc 周兴哲@H_457_0@曲:ErIc 周兴哲@H_457_0@I lIke It when It's jUst me and YoU@H_457_0@I thInk bY now YoU know It too@H_457_0@Not sorrY If we dItch the crew@H_457_0@JUst hope YoU feel the same waY too@H_457_0@AboUt me and YoU@H_457_0@There's not a thIng that I woUldn't do@H_457_0@Ooh rIght now jUst to be here wIth YoU@H_457_0@I lIke YoU here In mY arms@H_457_0@I lIke YoU here In mY arms ooh@H_457_0@What alreadY happened@H_457_0@FeelIng so lost and feelIng so mUch dIstractIons@H_457_0@没有想过 你可以陪我度过@H_457_0@你安慰我的难过@H_457_0@在凌晨的街头@H_457_0@模糊的角落@H_457_0@记得就在那时候@H_457_0@你微笑看着我@H_457_0@在那瞬间世界只剩你和我@H_457_0@享受在城市里牵着你的手@H_457_0@而我 只想对你说@H_457_0@好像在电影中@H_457_0@男女主角相逢@H_457_0@I lIke It when It's jUst me and YoU@H_457_0@I thInk bY now YoU know It too@H_457_0@Not sorrY If we dItch the crew@H_457_0@JUst hope YoU feel the same waY too@H_457_0@AboUt me and YoU@H_457_0@There's not a thIng that I woUldn't do@H_457_0@What alreadY happened feelIng so lost and@H_457_0@There's not a thIng that@H_457_0@FeelIng so mUch dIstractIons@H_457_0@没有想过 你可以陪我度过@H_457_0@你安慰我的难过@H_457_0@在凌晨的街头@H_457_0@模糊的角落@H_457_0@记得就在那时候@H_457_0@你微笑看着我@H_457_0@I lIke YoU here In mY arms Yeah@H_457_0@在那瞬间世界只剩你和我@H_457_0@享受在城市里牵着你的手@H_457_0@而我 只想对你说@H_457_0@想要把这感受@H_457_0@永远都能保留@H_457_0@I lIke It when It's jUst me and YoU@H_457_0@I thInk bY now YoU know It too@H_457_0@Not sorrY If we dItch the crew@H_457_0@JUst hope YoU feel the same waY too@H_457_0@AboUt me and YoU
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