Life Is A Rollercoaster
歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / SHE / 最爱S.H.E冬日音乐纪念册歌词:
WrItten bY rIck noweles & gregg aleXander
Na na na na na ( X4)
HeY babY
YoU reallY got mY taIl In a spIn
HeY babY
I Dont even know where to @R_216_2448@
BUt babY I got one thIng I want YoU to know
Wherever YoU go tell me caUse Im gonna go
We foUnd love, so dont fIght It
LIfe Is a Rollercoaster jUst gotta rIde It
I need YoU, so stop hIdIng
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It
HeY babY
YoUve reallY got me flYIng tonIght (flYIng tonIght)
HeY sUgar
YoU almost got Us pUnched In a fIght (thats alrIght)
BUt babY YoU know the one thIng I gotta know
Wherever YoU go tell me caUse Im gonna show
We foUnd love, so dont fIght It
LIfe Is a Rollercoaster jUst gotta rIde It
I need YoU, so stop hIdIng
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It
Cant YoU feel mY heart?
Cant YoU feel mY heart?
Cant YoU take mY heart?
We foUnd love, so dont fIght It
LIfe Is a Rollercoaster jUst gotta rIde It (all nIght long)
I need YoU, so stop hIdIng
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It (*to fade*)
WrItten bY rIck noweles & gregg aleXander
Na na na na na ( X4)
HeY babY
YoU reallY got mY taIl In a spIn
HeY babY
I Dont even know where to @R_216_2448@
BUt babY I got one thIng I want YoU to know
Wherever YoU go tell me caUse Im gonna go
We foUnd love, so dont fIght It
LIfe Is a Rollercoaster jUst gotta rIde It
I need YoU, so stop hIdIng
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It
HeY babY
YoUve reallY got me flYIng tonIght (flYIng tonIght)
HeY sUgar
YoU almost got Us pUnched In a fIght (thats alrIght)
BUt babY YoU know the one thIng I gotta know
Wherever YoU go tell me caUse Im gonna show
We foUnd love, so dont fIght It
LIfe Is a Rollercoaster jUst gotta rIde It
I need YoU, so stop hIdIng
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It
Cant YoU feel mY heart?
Cant YoU feel mY heart?
Cant YoU take mY heart?
We foUnd love, so dont fIght It
LIfe Is a Rollercoaster jUst gotta rIde It (all nIght long)
I need YoU, so stop hIdIng
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Dont fIght It, fIght It, fIght It
Na na na na na
Na na na na na
OUr love Is a mYsterY gIrl lets get Inside It (*to fade*)
《Life Is A Rollercoaster》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
Never Had A Dream Come True
Never Had A Dream Come True