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Sophia Sophia

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 杀手锏乐队 / 不知不觉
The tIme when past and fUtUre Intersect Is fate
In mY dream dwells a bUtterflY Under the raInbow
Are YoU also Dreaming
&qUot;CogIto ergo sUm.&qUot; she saId to me

Ignorance takes no form
SophIa Here I Am
PerfectIon YoU seek doesn't eXIst
No we are all flawed
@R_570_2448@ oUr joUrneY knowIng Its been plotted
In her dream there's a bUtterflY trapped In a glass dome
Am I reallY Dreaming
The tIme when past and fUtUre Intersect Is fate

In mY dream dwells a bUtterflY Under the raInbow
Are YoU also Dreaming
&qUot;CogIto ergo sUm.&qUot; she saId to me

In her dream there's a bUtterflY trapped In a glass dome
Am I reallY Dreaming
The tIme when past and fUtUre Intersect Is fate

In mY dream dwells a bUtterflY Under the raInbow
Are YoU also Dreaming
&qUot;CogIto ergo sUm &qUot; she saId to me

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