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Befall (《崩坏3》印象曲)

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 尚雯婕 / Befall
StrUggle @R_236_1955@ helped me gaIn InsIght

HaIl mY proUd qUeen on and on on and on
That waX and wane showed Its ebb and fLow
Selah selah are chantIng evermore
Hear oh hear all the voIces trapped In thee

FaIr moonLight wIll YoU fIll mY voId eYes

HaIl mY proUd qUeen on and on

HaIl mY proUd qUeen on and on

Selah selah are chantIng evermore

Hear oh hear all the voIces trapped In thee

《Befall (《崩坏3》印象曲)》歌词歌词大全收集整理

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