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Amazing Life稳赢

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 尚雯婕 / w in 赢I thInk therefore I am that's what old people saY
I thInk therefore I am that's what old people saY

On a beaUtIfUl daY I accIdentallY

DecIded to do somethIng great
I thInk I can make a change
@R_423_1273@'ll get It on get It on get It on get It on

I'm On My Way
CaUse I am Happy
AboUt what I am goIng to be
LIfe Is amazIng

It Is great If I can jUst be mYself
So I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do
CaUse I am Happy
AboUt what I am goIng to be
LIfe can be brIllIant

It's so great that I can stIll be mYself
I don't care I jUst dare I have nothIng to loose
When we go too far too far too far
That Is for that Is for Tomorrow

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