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Coming Back

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 容祖儿 / Give Love A Break匹配时间为: 02 分 54 秒 的歌曲@H_423_0@ @H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ No@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ No@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ No@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ No@H_423_0@ My Love, mY trUst@H_423_0@ I gave YoU everYthIng@H_423_0@ MY heart, mY soUl@H_423_0@ And everY part of me@H_423_0@ BUt stIll, YoU left@H_423_0@ And chose to be wIth hIm@H_423_0@ Now YoU wanna come back In mY lIfe@H_423_0@ Tell mY whY shoUld I@H_423_0@ BelIeve a word YoU saId@H_423_0@ All the tears YoU crY@H_423_0@ Are FallIng mUch too late@H_423_0@ There's no Reason whY@H_423_0@ I go throUgh that agaIn@H_423_0@ So go tUrn aroUnd@H_423_0@ TUrn aroUnd cUz@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ YoU're no longer mIne@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back thIs tIme@H_423_0@ Oooo oh oh@H_423_0@ Oooo oh oh@H_423_0@ Oooo oh oh@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back thIs tIme@H_423_0@ MY dreams, mY fears@H_423_0@ MY InsanItY@H_423_0@ MY prIde, mY tears@H_423_0@ YoU took It all from me@H_423_0@ GIrl YoU save@H_423_0@ All YoUr apologIes@H_423_0@ CUz YoU're not comIng back thIs tIme@H_423_0@ Tell me whY shoUld I@H_423_0@ BelIeve a word YoU saId@H_423_0@ All the tears YoU crY@H_423_0@ Are FallIng mUch too late@H_423_0@ There's no Reason whY@H_423_0@ I go throUgh that agaIn@H_423_0@ So go tUrn aroUnd@H_423_0@ TUrn aroUnd@H_423_0@ There's no coIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no coIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no coIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no coIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no coIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no coIng back (back)@H_423_0@ YoU're no longer mIne@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back thIs tIme@H_423_0@ YoU thoUght the grass woUld be greener@H_423_0@ Then what YoU left behInd babY@H_423_0@ Now YoU thInk that YoU can jUst come back@H_423_0@ GIrl YoU mUst be thInkIng I'm crazY@H_423_0@ Tell YoUr frIends that theY can stop callIng@H_423_0@ CUz I had enoUgh of It babY@H_423_0@ If YoU thInk that YoU can jUst come back@H_423_0@ GIrl YoU mUst be thInkIng I'm crazY@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back (back)@H_423_0@ BabY@H_423_0@ YoU're no longer mIne@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back thIs tIme@H_423_0@ Oooo oh oh (0, no)@H_423_0@ Oooo oh oh (0, no)@H_423_0@ Oooo oh oh@H_423_0@ There's no comIng back thIs tIme

《Coming Back》歌词歌词大全收集整理

心病 (试听版)