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Wild Heart

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 曲婉婷 / LLLWe’re selfIsh and selfless
HopefUl and helpless Inside
All at the same tIme,
It’s beaUtIfUl

We’re brave bUt we’re broken
We’re fIre and frozen and scarred
That’s who we are
We’re powerfUl

Don’t forget to breathe
When the war has left YoU weak

PaInt the skY stars
WIth YoUr wIld heart
'CaUse YoU are the UnIverse love so hard tIll It hUrts even when everYthIng’s bUrstIng apart
PaInt the skY stars wIth YoUr wIld heart

We’re fragIle and fearless
Heroes and vIllaIns - we hIde
So terrIfIed
It’s IncredIble

We Try and we mess Up
BUt that doesn’t stop Us, Instead
We start agaIn
It’s wonderfUl

Don’t forget to breathe
When the war has left YoU weak

PaInt the skY stars
WIth YoUr wIld heart
'CaUse YoU are the UnIverse love so hard tIll It hUrts even when everYthIng’s bUrstIng apart
PaInt the skY stars wIth YoUr wIld heart

NothIng Is perfect
YoU have been reckless
BUt It don’t mean YoU’re worthless
YoU’re a LightnIng force trapped In the dark
'CaUse we are @R_232_3392@ Human
SearchIng for Reason
We’re born to resIlIent radIant brIllIant and dIfferent

PaInt the skY stars
WIth oUr wIld heart
'CaUse we are the UnIverse love so hard tIll It hUrts even when everYthIng’s bUrstIng apart
PaInt the skY stars wIth YoUr wIld heart

Oh oh oh oh

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