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Time, My Friend

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 曲婉婷 / Say The WordsDreaming In IllUsIon I Don't want to
LIve In the fears of emptIness
FeelIng no eMotion, no desIre
BUt wantIng a hand to hold on to

TIme once agaIn healed mY woUnds and laUghed
She saYs, "Now YoU see what happened at last?
Never UnderestImate YoUr strength mY ladY
Don't gIve Up, don't gIve Up
Never gIve In, never gIve In"
Ah ooooooo oh

LIstenIng to the raIn I got over
ThIs mIserY theY called "lonelIness"
GoodbYe desolatIon, I'm kIckIng the habIt
BreathIng lIke I was a new born agaIn

TIme once agaIn healed mY woUnds and laUghed
She saYs now "Now YoU see what happened at last?
Never UnderestImate YoUr strength mY ladY
Don't gIve Up, don't gIve Up
Never gIve In, never gIve In"
Ah ooooooo oh

TIme Is mY good frIend
Take a walk now hand In hand

[Far East Movement]
Yo, the @R_577_3392@ thIng I'm never wastIn'
And It never accepts mY paYments
I've been TryIng to brIbe God for a lIttle more
bUt I mIght dIe waItIng.
When the hard tImes Fall lIke sand,
REBIRTH comes whIle I'm pacIn'
and I got more patIence than them plastIc sUrgeons oUt In Vegas.
MY tIme has been a face of alwaYs smIlIn'
whIle I'm makIn', earth qUakIn',
thIs freakIn fakIn world tIl we meetIn KevIn Bacon
UntIl then, I'm apprecIatIn' everY moment waken
CUz tIme's been good to me, record break.
TrUe dat cUz we be travellIng hIstorIans,
and we're parkIn oUr DeLoreans
throwIng back oUr favorIte tracks,
to hear what the soUnd of glorY Is,
a lIttle BeastIe BoYs, OUtkast, TUpac, NotorIoUs
OUr mUsIc don't rUn oUt UntIl the storY ends -
Move mentalItY.

TIme offered mY hand and she saId to me
As long as YoU're breathIng, I'll be here mY frIend.
Ah ooooooo oh

TIme Is mY good frIend
Take a walk now hand In hand

ProdUced bY Ron AnIello
Vocals, pIano, sYnth, acoUstIc gUItar, percUssIon: WantIng QU
GUItar, sYnth, bass, loops, percUssIon, programmIng: Ron AnIello
DrUm: Steve Jordan
B3 organ, addItIonal pIano: Dave Palmer
AddItIonal pIano: Roget ChahaYed
TrUmpet: Darrell Leonard
Tenor saX: Joe SUblett
BarI saX: Tom Peterson
BackgroUnd vocals: WantIng QU, AImee Proal, Sean Zhang, J Angel

EngIneered bY Ron AnIello, Ross Petersen, Alec DIXon, Rob Lebrett,
ClIf Norell, Dan BlessInger, ChrIstopher 'PherbIe' MIdgleY, and Jason MarIanI
RecordIng assIstant In VancoUver: JIefU Wang
Recorded at VerY Loud HoUse, Woodland HIlls, CA; CYclops SoUnd, Van NUYs, CA;
VIllage Recorders, Santa MonIca, CA; BrotherYn StUdIo, OjaI, CA;
MartIn soUnd, Alhambra, CA; The Farm StUdIos, VancoUver;
LIqUId TensIon MUsIc, VancoUver; Robert Plant LA, CA
MIXed bY ChrIs Lord-Alge at MIX LA
AssItant engIneers: KeIth Armstrong and NIk Karpen
AddItIonal assIstant engIneers: Brad Townsend and Andrew SchUbert
Mastered bY Ted Jensen at SterlIng SoUnd, NY

PUblIshed bY Nettwerk One MUsIc (Canada) LImIted

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爱的海洋 (Special Holiday Version)
Say the Words