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Children Of The 80's

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 齐豫 / Where Have All The Flowers GoneMaYbe wIth YoUr conscIence and dIsqUIse

We're well Informed and we are wIse
Please stop tellIng Us lIes

We know afghanastan's Invaded
And we know el salvador dIctated

On bUt oUr lIves have jUst begUn

We are the warrIors of the sUn
WIth the golden boYs and the folden gIrls
For a better world
We are the chIldren of the 80's havn't we grown
We are tender as the lotUs
And we are toUgher than the stone
And the age of oUr Innocence Is somewhere somewhere In the garden

《Children Of The 80's》歌词歌词大全收集整理

Where Have All The Flowers Gone
Wind Beneath My Wings